Euroscitizen WG4 Science-Media Training Schools

Euroscitizen WG4 online media science-media training schools came to a close. Between June 2021 and October 2021, we organized 2 training schools covering different ways of communicating science to media channels.

The training schools had sessions on:

-Visual and written storytelling, by Gil Costa and Filipa Vala

-Science journalism, by Peter Hyldgård

-Connecting scientists, press officers and journalists, by Sara Sá and Renata Pinto.

Originally, the Euroscitizen WG4 training school was planned to take place in Toulouse in April 2020, but it was cancelled due to the pandemic. In adaptation to the current situation, in 2021 we hosted the same planned training events but in an online version. In total, our trainings were attended by 31 participants from 12 different countries, coming from different academic backgrounds and different stages of careers. Although these events had a relatively small scale, we believe that these diverse events contribute to improvements in science communication, and that their participants will take the experiences learned to promote and facilitate good practices at the science-media interface.


Szymek Drobniak and Rita Ponce

The Media Working Group (WG4)