Who are we? OLD

We are a network that includes over 100  members from 31 countries. Our Action has a management committee that includes representatives from 30 countries.

The Action also has a Steering Committee that includes the following. In some cases, the Steering committee has been mandated by the Management Committee to take key decisions.


Members of the steering committee

Chair – Tania Jenkins – tania.jenkins@gmail.com

Vice-chair – Heloise Dufour – heloise.dufour@cerclefser.org

Scientific representative of the grant holder institution – Eric Allan – eric.allan@ips.unibe.ch

Grant holder institution – University of Bern

Dissemination officer – Roberto Torres torresdecomunicacion@gmail.com

STSM coordinator – Ozgul Yahyaoglu ozgulyahyaoglu@gmail.com

Equal opportunities officer – Olaf Bininda-Emonds olaf.bininda@uni-oldenburg.de

WG1 (assessment WG) leader – Anna Beniermann


WG1 vice-leader – Annie Pinxten annie.pinxten@uantwerpen.be

WG2 (formal education WG) leader – Xana Sá Pinto – xanasapinto@gmail.com

WG2 vice-leader – Evangelia Mavrikaki emavrikaki@primedu.uoa.gr

WG3 (informal education WG) leader – Justin Dillon j.s.dillon@exeter.ac.uk

WG3 vice-leader – Luís Azevedo Rodrigues lrodrigues@cienciaviva.pt

WG4 (media WG) leader – Szymek Drobniak szymek.drobniak@gmail.com

WG5 (scientists WG) leaderHeloise Dufour  heloise.dufour@cerclefser.org

WG5 vice-leader – Josefa Gonzalez josefa.gonzalez@ibe.upf-csic.es


For a full break-down of members of the Management Committee by country see here.