Dear EuroScitizen members,
It is with great pleasure to announce the first workshop on the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in Belgrade, Serbia, organized by the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković” University of Belgrade.
This workshop will take place in Belgrade from February 27th 9 AM to February 28th 5 PM 2020 at the Center for the Promotion of Science, Kralja Petra 46.
If you are interested in becoming an ambassador of the RRI concept in the EuroScitizen network and are willing to co-construct a RRI culture by formulating the best principles and activities tailored for specific WGs of our action, please apply to participate in this workshop. We will work together and ensure that each RRI ambassador will be able to use developed tools and train other WG members about the importance of RRI in their work. Also, workshop participants will contribute in defining a strategy that will ensure that the EuroScitizen action is working accordingly to the RRI principles and tools. Please note that we will be able to reimburse 19 participants.
To apply: fill in the form here by December 15th 2019
- Current or future level of involvement of the participant in the WG tasks => 0.4
- Scientific/Technical quality of contribution (CV) => 0.2
- Interest of the submitted contribution to WG and Action Goals (proposals) => 0.1
- Balance (gender, career stage, country, participation of distinct institutions) => 0.3
Preliminary program is listed here:
Day 1
Arrival of Participants and Registration
- Official welcome
- Plenary talk: The RRI concept (Tom Børsen).
- Session 1: Breaking the ice and have the basics on RRI: Informed discussion game
- Session 2: How does your work in the WGs relates to the RRI; Making specific suggestions on how to improve the WG status in terms of RRI principles; Discussion.
Day 2
- Plenary talk: A journey into RRI (Lucia Martinelli)
- Session 3: Defining the tools that will enable us to reach the goal of 80% of actions being confident with the RRI and make a roadmap on how to implement and multiply RRI framework for our Action within WGs.
- Session 4: EVOLVING RRI TOOLS: Building/adapting/testing tools for universal action goals and specific tasks; List the tools that can be used; Discussions.
Stay tuned for a more detailed program.
Looking forward to seeing you in Belgrade!