Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) is one of the networking tools of the COST Actions. This tool allows researchers and Early Career Investigators(ECI) in the COST network to build their collaboration network and expand their skill sets with short-term visits to another institution in the networks.
Since the main objective of the Action CA17127 is to “Building on scientific literacy in evolution towards scientifically responsible Europeans”, we would like to leverage the strengths of our stakeholders via STSMs. Above our overall goal, there are five working groups (WG) with specific foci. For this call we will accept STSM applications related to the following five working groups:
All members of the Action and researchers may apply for STSMs. Early Career Investigators (ECIs) are especially encouraged to apply for STSMs. ECIs, could be a Ph.D. student, Post-Doc and researchers with an obtained Ph.D. degree. Please note, only post-docs and researchers who completed Ph.D./or equivalent degree within the last 8 years before joining the action are defined as ECI according to COST. BSc/MSc students with NO additional affiliation to an organization/research center are NOT ELIGIBLE.
Application deadline: January 5th, 2019
STSMs need to be carried out until April 30th, 2019.
Reimbursement :
The total amount of each grant is a maximum 2000 EUR and 6 grants will be awarded in this grant period.
The applications will be evaluated by the STSM committee based on the following approved criteria.
Applicant needs to declare their budget plan during the online registration. The STSM committee will consider different flat rates among host countries while assessing the budget plan. Please note, up to a max of EUR160 per day can be afforded for accommodation & meal expenses according to COST rules and regulations.
Duration of the STSM: Minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 90 days (and up to 180 days if the applicant is an ECI).
How to apply?